Educational Development

Peter Mellows - StudyTXT

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Met Peter Mellows for dinner tonight. He is talking tomorrow about his StudyTXT project. Basically its a simple service in which students txt a course or subject code and get txt back a 100 or so character message with facts and figures. Here's a video of Peter demonstrating the service.

Here's a recording of Peter's inspiring 1 hour presentation made to Otago Polytechnic the day after. Starts off with the Dalai Lama talking about non violent action - which I found curiously though provoking, and in many ways caused me to think about my own work and the way I go about agitating for change in my own organisation...

3 Responses to “Peter Mellows - StudyTXT”

  1. Blogger Bronwyn hegarty 

    so does this mean we need a vibrating phone to be txt massaged?
    yes it was good to meet Peter and hear what he had to say. Though when I asked my daughter if she would like study support using txting she said " not if I have to pay for it!". So speaks economics.

  2. Blogger Bronwyn hegarty 

    I am really looking forward to hearing Peter's presentation today about mobile technologies including study txt. And of course the discussion afterwards will be very interesting.

    Always refreshing to hear new ideas.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    shaved ham is from the "deli"

    the beacon of compassion and peace is the "dalai lama"

    no international incident required though as he would laugh

    can't wait for txt 2.0

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